Welcome to Bangladesh Insurance Association

Consistent with the privatisation policy the world over, the Government of Bangladesh took a decision in 1984 to allow operation of insurance companies in the private sector side by side with state-owned Sadharan Bima Corporation and Jiban Bima Corporation. As a result, a number of companies in the private sector came into being in 1985 and the necessity of forming an Association was keenly felt.

Welcome to Bangladesh Insurance Association

Consistent with the privatisation policy the world over, the Government of Bangladesh took a decision in 1984 to allow operation of insurance companies in the private sector side by side with state-owned Sadharan Bima Corporation and Jiban Bima Corporation. As a result, a number of companies in the private sector came into being in 1985 and the necessity of forming an Association was keenly felt. The representatives of the private insurance companies at a meeting held in early 1985 decided that an Association..

Press Release

Mr. Sayeed Ahmed


President Message

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Since its establishment in 1988, the Bangladesh Insurance Association (BIA) has played a crucial role in advancing the private sector Bima industry in Bangladesh. It offers a platform for collaboration among private Insurance, drives improved performance, and emphasizes Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities. BIA’s growth, 80 member Insurances Company by 2024, highlights its significance. Through initiatives like its Research and Training Centre, BIA enhances knowledge-sharing and efficiency. Under BIA’s leadership, private insurance company have positively impacted the economy. The association’s dedication to development and readiness for future challenges positions it for ongoing success.